Brooklin-Whitby Garden Club |
Roles & Responsibilities
Role Descriptions: Brooklin-Whitby Garden Club
Table of Contents
President ................................................. 2
Vice President .......................................... 3
Secretary .................................................. 4
Treasurer .................................................. 5
Director At-Large ...................................... 6
Membership Coordinator ......................... 7
Speaker Coordinator ................................ 8
Show Committee ..................................... 9
Hospitality Leader ................................... 10
Garden Visits Leader ............................... 11
Corporate Membership .......................... 12
Park Of Reflection Leader ....................... 13
Station Gallery Leader ............................ 14
BHS Garden Leader ................................. 15
Newsletter …………………………………… 16
Revision Date: August 21, 2024
The president, being the head of the Club, provides guidance and coordinates with various directors and leaders of all activities for the club. The president is conversant with society/clubs’ constitution/ bylaws and the structure of OHA. The president is an ex-officio member of all committees.
Vice President
Director At-Large
Membership Coordinator
Speaker Coordinator
Show Committee
The Show Committee is led by a chairperson(s) – having two co-chairpersons is beneficial to providing coverage while individuals are on holiday and providing an opportunity for a new chairperson to job shadow.
The committee ideally comprises 6 or more persons to facilitate organizing a floral design and horticultural show. The committee is required to:
Hospitality Leader
With enticing refreshments, welcome new members and reward returning friends.
Garden Visits Leader
Engender camaraderie and grow membership by organizing and promoting an annual tour of members' gardens
Corporate Membership
Park Of Reflection Leader
Station Gallery Leader
Communications with Volunteers
The newsletter team should ideally have a team leader to facilitate/coordinate the creation of a newsletter. The team is required to:
Table of Contents
President ................................................. 2
Vice President .......................................... 3
Secretary .................................................. 4
Treasurer .................................................. 5
Director At-Large ...................................... 6
Membership Coordinator ......................... 7
Speaker Coordinator ................................ 8
Show Committee ..................................... 9
Hospitality Leader ................................... 10
Garden Visits Leader ............................... 11
Corporate Membership .......................... 12
Park Of Reflection Leader ....................... 13
Station Gallery Leader ............................ 14
BHS Garden Leader ................................. 15
Newsletter …………………………………… 16
Revision Date: August 21, 2024
The president, being the head of the Club, provides guidance and coordinates with various directors and leaders of all activities for the club. The president is conversant with society/clubs’ constitution/ bylaws and the structure of OHA. The president is an ex-officio member of all committees.
- Delegate tasks and ensure all tasks are completed
- Prepare meeting agendas with secretary’s consultation
- Chair board meetings
- Compile slide shows for each membership meeting
- Share relevant information with board members and membership via emails and meetings
- Ensure all required forms and reports are completed and submitted by deadlines
- Present review of Club’s activities/work at the annual general meetings
- Attend District 17’s president meetings
- Attend and encourage others to attend district general meetings and OHA conventions
- Secure OHA passwords to access OHA administrators’ pages
- Ensures all information is accurate on club’s website
- Provide training to vice president to ensure continuing run of the club
- Participate in the recruitment of board members as needed
- Recognize and award committee leads for exceptional work at AGM
- Compile volunteer hours summary for the club
Vice President
- Shadow president on duties
- Attend district’s presidents meeting.
- Assist in any club activities-Plant sales, festivals by meeting with chairs for needed assistance.
- Replace president when not available.
- Record the minutes of all board meetings and Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and keep these as permanent, complete records of the society.
- Distribute minutes to the board and make any corrections before the next meeting.
- Facilitate approval of the minutes by the board at each board meeting.
- Schedule Zoom meetings for general meetings and board meetings. Send meeting link to president for distribution.
- Notify the President or other appropriate individuals of relevant correspondence, and act upon these as directed.
- Maintain a spreadsheet of current officers, board members, and committee leaders with contact information and emergency contact information.
- Keep board meeting minutes and AGM meeting minutes for 7 Years.
- Solicit, receive and compile committee reports for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. Compile members' information package for the AGM. Photocopy the information package and provide it to attendees of the AGM. Provide electronic copy of the package for distribution to all members.
- Proofread the draft copy of the BWGC yearbook and provide feedback to the editor.
- Provide a tally of volunteer hours to the president annually.
- Facilitate process for amendments to the constitution and keep official copy of the constitution.
- Deposit all money received into the club’s bank account
- Pay all expenses
- Maintain proper accounts of income and expenses
- Provide monthly financial reports to the Board
- Maintain the club’s bank account and act as one signator for cheques
- Prepare an Annual Financial Statement and arrange for it to be audited or reviewed
- Present financial statement at the Annual General Meeting in November
- Manage any securities held by the club, as directed by the Board
- Retain financial records for 7 years
Director At-Large
- Usually as a board member with no specific lead, the Director at-Large helps other members with tasks.
- Good knowledge of the club activities
- Attend board meetings (monthly except for January and July)
- Assist or stand in for any board member/team lead to accomplish tasks.
- Able to take responsibility of new or vacated Board Member/Team Lead tasks.
- Be available to share information and train new Directors or Team Leads
Membership Coordinator
- Process all new and renewing Memberships, which includes:
- Maintenance of the membership database (in Excel), including the tracking of volunteer roles
- Printing nametags and attendance lists (MS Word)
- Distribution of membership materials to current members (membership card, bookmark and yearbook) either in person at monthly meetings or via email; and
- Collection of membership fees at monthly meetings and outside events and reconciliation of these fees with Treasurer.
- Manage the Membership Desk at each monthly meeting and any outside events.
- Update the annual General Membership Form (if required), have it posted on the club’s website and ensure printed copies are available at each monthly meeting and outside events.
Speaker Coordinator
- Solicit members for topics and presenters. Narrow down topics.
- Connect with Whitby in Bloom for chosen speakers and topics.
- Start searching for speakers in October/November by looking in OHA directory, consulting other clubs, and speakers suggested by membership. Contact Speakers and book them.
- Send names and requested fees to Treasurer.
- Send names and topic for yearbook.
- Two weeks before each presentation, connect with Speaker/Presenter and request bio and any relevant information-plants for sale.
- Use the speaker's bio to write the speaker's introduction. Introduce the speaker after the club’s regular announcements.
- Obtain cheque for the speaker's fee from the treasurer and present to the speaker.
Show Committee
The Show Committee is led by a chairperson(s) – having two co-chairpersons is beneficial to providing coverage while individuals are on holiday and providing an opportunity for a new chairperson to job shadow.
The committee ideally comprises 6 or more persons to facilitate organizing a floral design and horticultural show. The committee is required to:
- Facilitate setup/staging of shows. This will include:
- obtaining volunteers to set up/ stage the show
- setting up number of tables required
- Laying tablecloths on tables
- Placing signage and class numbers consistent with the show schedule
- Placing dividers between classes
- Recording forms, stickers, ribbons are available
- A table(s) is set up to allow preparation of entries for exhibiting – include entry tags, pens, elastic bands, water and extra copies of show schedules
- Obtain show judges for each show. Show committee maintains a list of show judges and a year to year listing of judges used at each show.
- Obtain volunteers to provide clerking duties during judging of shows.
- Facilitate shows at each monthly meeting – volunteers understand and perform their role as clerks, judges have show schedules and show rules, show entries are placed in the correct classes.
- Facilitate take down/dismantling of shows. All equipment and supplies are returned to storage.
- Create and revise show schedule annually. Chairperson(s) will convene a meeting in the fall to review and revise the schedule for the following season.
- Create recording forms/sheets for each show to record names of exhibitors and winners of each class.
- Create and maintain a spreadsheet to record the show results and to document annual show award winners along with their accumulated prize points and monetary prize payout.
- Monitor show supplies and purchase as required: show entry tags, show prize stickers, ribbons and other supplies as required.
- Have awards trophies engraved annually between the Oct Pumpkins, Pies and Pictures show and the November Annual General (AGM).
- Award annual show winners’ trophies and cash prizes at the Nov AGM.
- Track and provide a report on names of volunteers and their hours as requested by the BWGC president
- Monitor and track expenses and provide yearly budget to Board of Directors as required.
- Provide input to Brooklin-Whitby Garden Club (BWGC) newsletters as required.
- Provide input to BWGC AGM report as required.
Hospitality Leader
With enticing refreshments, welcome new members and reward returning friends.
- Draw up yearly signup sheet and circulate at annual general meeting; ensure slots are filled and maintain easy, last minute replacement snacks; remind volunteers to bring food and help serve/clean up
- Purchase fresh cream and milk for each meeting; ensure supply of other consumables like tea, coffee and sugar; submit receipts/cash donations to treasurer
- Arrive at 6 pm each meeting to set up and receive food from volunteers
- Ensure supplies are packed away in storage cupboard and kitchen is returned to walk-in condition
- Liaise with church secretary if needed
- With club president, organize and promote annual general meeting potluck
Garden Visits Leader
Engender camaraderie and grow membership by organizing and promoting an annual tour of members' gardens
- Select dates; confirm host gardens; solicit additional gardens if needed
- Work with hosts to write garden descriptions/promos to highlight unique features and entice visitors
- Secure host support, including on-site volunteers to count visitors and assist with questions, take photos; deliver lawn signs
- Devise schedule (visits take place on Sundays in June, July, August and September, from 10 am to 2 pm); compile maps for each route
- Survey hosts and gather feedback; compile mini-report including numbers of visitors, to
- submit to executive
Corporate Membership
- Contact current Corporate Members via telephone, email or in person, to request their continued support as a member of BWCG for the upcoming year. Provide a copy of the membership form and e-transfer payment instructions. Follow up with existing Corporate Member until they decide to re-enroll or decline.
- Contact local businesses in the Brooklin, Whitby, and surrounding area via telephone, email or in person, to request their support as a new Corporate Member for the upcoming year. Provide a copy of the membership form and e-transfer payment instructions. Follow up with new potential Corporate Member until they decide to enroll or decline.
- Request a scanned copy or provide original business cards from the Corporate Members and forward to the Treasurer of BWGC, to be incorporated into the next year's Yearbook.
- Maintain a current listing of Corporate Members' contact information; business name, address, website address, email address and phone number.
- Resolve email addresses discrepancies when "Delivery Status Notification (Failure) identified. Contact Corporate Member and request updated email address. Forward updated information to President of BWGC. Update Corporate Members master email list maintained by Corporate Member lead.
- Benchmark with other local Garden Clubs and Horticultural Societies to compare business practices associated with Corporate Memberships. Incorporate any lessons learned to enhance the BWGC Corporate membership operating practices.
- Provide updated lists of Corporate Memberships, and Local Business "discounts" to the Treasurer of BWGC to be incorporated into the next year's Yearbook.
- Personally deliver the new Yearbook, bookmark, discount card and pen to all Corporate members. Answer questions they have and thank them for their support.
- Work with local print shop to produce Corporate Member sign boards, used to advertise and promote Corporate members' business cards at BWGC special events. Provide manufacturing specifications and approve design of sign boards prior to production. Arrange for delivery and setup, and pick up, of sign boards on display at special garden club events.
- Forward updates of Corporate Members' websites to BWGC Website Administrator, to ensure anyone accessing the list of Corporate Members has a direct link to their websites.
- Participate in Board Meetings and provide updates related to Corporate Memberships.
Park Of Reflection Leader
- Ensure an adequate number of volunteers (6) for weekly maintenance work. Recruit if needed.
- Send out an email each week to confirm start time, from late April to early October.
- Write a report for the quarterly newsletter.
- Monitor plants and discuss with the team, to resolve any issues with plants.
- Contact the Town of Whitby gardener and/or the Wounded Warriors representative for assistance as needed, such as compost delivery.
- Provide a short report each fall for the Annual General Meeting.
Station Gallery Leader
- Plan the design of planters and theme for the 19 planters at the gallery
- Coordinate with the gallery any special theme items to be added to the planters
- Organize a planting day for the late May with the volunteers
- With the help of a volunteer or two, shop and deliver the plants to the gallery a day or two before planting. Submit expense form to the gallery for reimbursement.
- Lead the group on planting day and provide calendar sheets for the volunteers to sign-up for once-a-week maintenance visits to fertilize, deadhead, and check for pests in the planters
- Organize a day in late September or early October to empty the deck planters.
- The 4 front door planters are usually re-planted by the team with fall-themed flowers in September or October depending on the condition of the annuals.
- Note: During the growing season, the Station Gallery takes care of daily watering of the planters.
Communications with Volunteers
- notify of upcoming sessions via text using WhatsApp
- alternative emails for non-cell phone users
- use BWGC member list to contact/recruit new volunteers
- attend Garden or arrange alternate rep at each weekly session
- guide Volunteers on activities to be undertaken
- ensure full Yard Waste bags are deposited at pickup site
- maintain inventory of Yard Waste bags, gardening gloves
- provide extra tools, trugs, etc. where possible
- maintain supply of keys to padlocks for hose bibs (2) and stores cabinet
- co-ordinate planning of Garden plantings
- procure plants for Spring planting
- procure bulbs for Fall planting
- submit expense reports for reimbursement to BWGC Treasurer
- communicate with Town of Whitby staff for plant supplies
- communicate with Town of Whitby Parks foreman on projects
- install garden signs (2) in Spring and take down and store in Fall
- put up 'Volunteers at Work' sign each work session
- prepare quarterly reports on activities for Newsletter
- prepare annual report on activities for AGM report
- maintain record of Volunteer hours and report annually to President
The newsletter team should ideally have a team leader to facilitate/coordinate the creation of a newsletter. The team is required to:
- Establish the frequency of each newsletter and determine the platform by which the newsletter is to be communicated.
- Plan the content of each newsletter.
- Request submission of articles/information from Brooklin-Whitby Garden Club (BWGC) committee leads and other contributors.
- Communicate timeline for completion and distribution of newsletter to all contributors.
- Assemble submitted articles and photos into a draft newsletter.
- Review and edit as required the draft newsletter.
- Send the final version of the newsletter to the BWGC President for distribution.
- Provide monthly updates for BWGC Board of Director meetings.
- Provide names of volunteers/contributors and volunteer hours to the BWGC board as required.